AI Bytes Newsletter Issue #38

The Growing Demand for AI Skills, PIKA 1.5, Tool of the Week: 6sense, Realistic Images using Stable Diffusion + Fooocus, OpenAI's $6.5B funding round

This week’s AI Bytes newsletter is packed with exciting updates, starting with the growing demand for AI skills and tools like 6sense to enhance business strategies. We highlight the latest innovation, Pika 1.5, which revolutionizes video creation with stunning effects, and explore the ethical implications of California’s new autonomous vehicle legislation. Mike dives into AI's impact across industries, and Rico rounds up key stats and insights about AI adoption. Stay tuned for more AI advancements, and enjoy the ride into this tech-filled future!

The Latest in AI

A Look into the Heart of AI

Featured Innovation
Pika 1.5 – Breaking the Boundaries of Video Creation

The latest release of Pika, version 1.5, has taken the world of video editing to new heights with its cutting-edge AI technology. With more realistic movement and stunning big-screen shots, Pika 1.5 brings professional-quality visuals to creators of all levels. Whether you're a seasoned filmmaker or just starting out, this platform enables you to craft high-quality videos with minimal effort, making creative storytelling more accessible than ever.

Pika 1.5 introduces revolutionary "Pikaffects" that defy the laws of physics, allowing creators to push the boundaries of what’s visually possible. These mind-blowing effects give users the freedom to explore new dimensions in video creation, from lifelike animation to jaw-dropping visual tricks that were once reserved for Hollywood studios. It’s an actual game-changer for anyone looking to produce eye-catching, immersive content with ease.

The innovation doesn’t stop there—Pika continues to evolve at breakneck speed, fueled by a team that listens to creators’ needs and builds new features in record time. With the release of Pika 1.5, the company is furthering its mission to democratize video creation, ensuring that anyone with a creative vision can bring their ideas to life, no matter their skill level. This is surely one of the many innovations we will be trying out at length to see what it can do!

Ethical Considerations & Real-World Impact 
Balancing Innovation and Safety: California’s New Autonomous Vehicle Policies

California is at it again, “leading the way” with regulation and AI governance, this time with autonomous vehicles. Governor Gavin Newsom's recent decisions on autonomous vehicle legislation have sparked debates about the future of automation and its broader societal impacts. His veto of the autonomous truck ban highlights a shift toward embracing automation in logistics, which could lead to reduced job opportunities for truck drivers. However, by maintaining safety restrictions for autonomous trucks, the state seeks to balance technological progress with worker protections, showing that innovation need not come at the expense of employment.

Transparency is another critical issue (go figure…), especially after the governor vetoed a bill that would have required autonomous vehicle companies to report data on crashes, breakdowns, and vehicle performance. While the intent was to ensure accountability, Newsom deemed the timeline too restrictive for implementation, sparking concerns about how effectively these vehicles will be regulated without clear oversight. This decision brings up many questions of how much information should be publicly available to build trust in autonomous technologies. We believe that this information should be readily available, as are normal crash and similar statistics, which would also help further adoption of these technologies and keep the public at large informed.

The signing of a bill that requires autonomous vehicle companies to establish protocols for responding to emergencies represents an effort to keep public safety a priority. Law enforcement now has more authority to interact with autonomous vehicles during incidents, which can ensure that driverless technology doesn't hinder emergency responses. This move definitely signifies a step toward integrating advanced technology into everyday life while also ensuring the safety of the public, a challenge that will continue as these vehicles become more common on California's roads.

Many people can agree that autonomous vehicles are bringing us closer to the future we envisioned for 2024 (though we’re still waiting on flying cars). However, it’s important that we properly govern these technologies. The lack of transparency around crash data and other statistics is concerning. Perhaps this is to avoid slowing down adoption as issues are worked out, but if these "kinks" aren’t fully resolved, should they even be on the road? Definitely not, especially when human lives are at stake. This will be something to monitor as we approach 2025.

AI Tool of the Week - 6sense

The Toolbox for using AI effectively

Hey all, Mike here with our Tool of the Week. This week, we’re spotlighting 6sense, a tool I recently checked out through a demo. While I haven’t used it personally yet, it’s widely adopted at the enterprise level and is known for delivering impressive results.

6sense uses AI and machine learning to give teams a clearer view of the buyer journey, especially in the B2B space. Here’s what stood out to me:

Targeted Insights: 6sense uncovers anonymous buying signals in the “Dark Funnel™,” allowing you to focus on a specific segment that’s likely ready to buy — all without violating privacy laws. This level of precision can be a game changer.

Predictive Analytics: It identifies where your prospects are in their buying process, so your team knows exactly when to act.

Automation: By automating routine tasks, like follow-ups, 6sense frees up your team to focus on higher-impact work.

Enterprise-Level Gains: Many users report seeing gains like a 10% increase in opportunity conversion and larger deal sizes, showing that the tool delivers real value.

Integration Friendly: It integrates seamlessly with existing tools like Drift, HubSpot and Gong, making it easier to adopt.

Some of the 6sense integrations

I really liked how 6sense, combined with data strategies from experts like Tim Hayden, can zero in on the most valuable prospects at just the right moment. Tools like this are powerful for B2B teams looking to make data-driven decisions.

Rico's Roundup

Critical Insights and Curated Content from Rico

Skeptics Corner
AI in 2024 and Beyond: Hype, Hope, and Skepticism

This week, I wanted to switch things up a bit and bring our viewers and readers some interesting statistics that Forbes released in June regarding AI adoption and projections in the not-so-distant future. I found many of these to be a bit surprising and potentially a pie-in-the-sky view of things, but not exactly unattainable. If you will entertain me, I’d like to give my thoughts on each stat individually.

The AI market is projected to grow from $86.9 billion in 2022 to $407 billion by 2027. This kind of rapid growth might feel overwhelming, but it’s also an exciting opportunity for those willing to jump in. We've already seen industries like healthcare, tech, and art thrive with AI, amplifying their capabilities. While I believe this growth can be sustained, we must be cautious of over-regulation or barriers that could slow things down. It’s a tricky path, but the potential benefits for humanity are worth it.

AI is expected to contribute a 21% net increase to U.S. GDP by 2030. This type of economic growth is exactly what the country (and many parts of the world) needs, especially with so many people struggling. I foresee AI transforming industries and improving how we work, but I’m also wary of job losses due to over-automation. If we can strike the right balance, the opportunities AI brings could outweigh the challenges.

ChatGPT reached 1 million users in just five days. Tools like ChatGPT are incredible when used properly, but I have concerns about over-reliance, especially in education. People might use it to simply complete tasks rather than improve themselves. This could lead to a loss of critical thinking skills over time, and that's something we need to watch closely. Mike and I talked about this in an early episode of the podcast last year, where we discussed the term “enfeeblement”, which can be a result of overreliance on this tech.

AI could create 97 million new jobs by 2030. This is a hopeful statistic, but I’m curious about what kinds of jobs will emerge and how they will shape the future of work. If these roles are created and enhance people’s abilities, this could calm fears about job loss and help grow the economy. New jobs, more workers entering the workforce, and enhanced productivity through AI could lead to a more positive outcome than many anticipate.

Over 75% of consumers are concerned about misinformation from AI. If there’s one thing I’ve consistently voiced concern over, it’s the issue of information bias in AI. Imperfect models, flawed training data, and corporate policies can lead to misinformation. While misinformation has always been a problem, we need to tread carefully on how we address it. Policing speech too aggressively can blur the line with censorship, which threatens First Amendment rights.

64% of businesses expect AI to boost productivity. There’s no doubt that AI can enhance productivity for businesses, and it can also give employees the freedom to focus on more meaningful tasks. When AI handles the mundane, it opens up the possibility for creativity and innovation to flourish. With the right tools, people can become the employees they’ve always wanted to be, allowing the cream to rise to the top. I truly believe AI can unlock hidden potential and spark revolutionary ideas.

One in ten cars will be self-driving by 2030. As someone who spends a lot of time on the road, the idea of self-driving vehicles is appealing. It would be a relief to set the destination and let the car handle the rest, especially during long commutes. However, if this innovation comes hand-in-hand with mandatory electric vehicles, I’m not on board. Autonomous cars should be offered as an option, not forced as a one-size-fits-all solution. Choice is key to making this technology a real benefit.

58% of Chinese companies have adopted AI, compared to 25% of U.S. companies. It’s no surprise that China is leading the way in AI adoption. While I think the gap will start to close over the next year or two, we’re still riding the AI hype wave. How many companies, applications, tools, etc. have come and gone in the past year? A lot. Until things settle down and we see clearer, more consistent adoption, this gap will likely persist. The dust needs to settle before we catch up.

In the end, AI is both a huge opportunity and a challenge. It’s up to us to navigate it thoughtfully, balancing innovation with responsible use, holding companies accountable, and ensuring that we maximize its benefits for everyone involved. I’ll still remain skeptical, especially with large corporations controlling the information, directing outputs, and their inherent biases. But I also see the immense potential machine learning, AI, and other technologies hold for shaping our future. If nothing else, if AI can bring prosperity to all—and maybe even world peace—then I’m definitely for that.

I would love to hear others thoughts on these statistics and projections, so please hit us up on LinkedIn or our account and let us know what you think. Where do you see the future of AI taking us?

Must-Read Articles

Mike's Musings

One Goal
Create realistic photos

This week we’re going to focus on a goal we saw on LinkedIn, Dave’s daughter is doing a science project to measure people’s ability to calculate whether or not images are generated by AI.

I just wrapped up an article on this, check it out here:

AI Tip
The Growing Demand for AI Skills

The job market is experiencing a significant shift towards AI-related skills and expertise. According to research by Microsoft and LinkedIn, hiring for technical AI roles has increased by 323% over the past eight years. This trend is not limited to the tech industry; AI skills are becoming increasingly valuable across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, and retail.

Benefits of AI Upskilling

Career Growth and Job Security

Acquiring AI skills can significantly enhance career prospects and job security. Professionals with AI expertise are in high demand, with AI specialist jobs growing 3.5 times faster than all jobs combined. This demand translates into better job opportunities and higher salaries, with AI skills potentially increasing salaries by up to 40%.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

AI technologies can streamline workflows and automate repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their roles. By upskilling in AI, professionals can leverage these tools to enhance their productivity and contribute more effectively to their organizations.

Innovation and Competitiveness

AI skills enable professionals to drive innovation within their organizations. By understanding and applying AI technologies, employees can uncover new insights from data, anticipate market trends, and help their companies stay ahead of the competition.

Key AI Skills to Develop

To remain competitive in the AI era, professionals should focus on developing skills in:

  1. Machine Learning and Deep Learning

  2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)

  3. Data Science and Analytics

  4. Programming languages (particularly Python)

  5. AI ethics and responsible AI implementation

The Role of Organizations in AI Upskilling

Companies play a crucial role in facilitating AI upskilling for their workforce. By investing in AI training and development programs, organizations can:

  1. Bridge the AI skills gap within their teams

  2. Enhance employee engagement and retention

  3. Future-proof their workforce against technological disruptions

  4. Drive innovation and maintain competitiveness in the market

As AI continues to reshape the business landscape, upskilling in AI has become essential for both individual career growth and organizational success. By embracing AI skills development, professionals can position themselves as valuable assets in the job market, while organizations can harness the full potential of AI to drive innovation and maintain a competitive edge. The future of work is increasingly intertwined with AI, and those who invest in upskilling now will be best prepared to thrive in this new era.

Mike’s Favorite
Article: AI will not replace human code reviewers

As someone who has experimented with using AI for code reviews, I can appreciate that we're not quite there yet. What I found was that, while good at finding deficiencies in code reviews, AI really didn't do a great job of nailing when the code review met the exact criteria of the goal. Also, I think there are many nuances to code review, some of which are listed in the article below:

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Quote of the week: "AI doesn't replace people; it amplifies their abilities. The key is to focus on how humans and machines can work together to achieve better results." – Fei-Fei Li